Meet Gayle
Registered Member of Allied Health Professions Council of SA, Founder member of Therapeutic Massage, Gayle has been in the Health Care Field for 35 years. Is a qualified Aroma Therapist, Colour Therapist, Reflexologist, Pregnancy Therapist as Doula (Child Birth support) and Post Partum Doula, Yoga Teacher for Pregnant Women and Moms with Babies. She incorporates Aromatherapy Essential Oils, Breath-work, Colour Energy balancing, Meridian Massage and Pressure Points, Reflexology Visualisation and Meditation in all her modalities. She teaches Baby Massage.
Gayle has been serving WOMBS (woman offering mothers birth support) as Chairlady since 2014 to motivate and encourage Doulas to be accepted into Public and Private Maternity Care, to bring the human heart caring element to new Mothers Babies and Families and the Medical Team.
Gayle based in Cape Town founded The Sunshine Health Academy in 1984.