Colour as a Therapy
Colour is a creative force coming from Light / Life-force / Sun (Moon & Stars reflect light from sun). Colour is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, where pure white light is broken down into Magenta, Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red. Each colour vibrates at a different frequency and wavelength as light moves through different densities of matter. Red is the longest wavelength /lowest frequency and Violet the shortest wavelength / highest frequency.

Internally our body's makeup is a replica of the external universe:
According to chakra systems of ancient Sanskrit:
Earth Red (Pelvic, Legs, volcanic, larva)
Water Orange (Navel area watery soil)
Fire Yellow (Solar Plexus, Sun)
Air Green (Heart, Lungs trees/grass),
Ether Blue, Indigo, Violet (Neck, Head, water, sky)
According to the organ meridian system of the ancient Chinese:
Earth Yellow (Stomach, Spleen)
Water Blue/Black (Bladder, Kidney)
Fire Red - (Small Intestine, Heart, Triple Warmer, Pericardium)
Metal White (Large Intestine, Lung)
Wood Green (Gall bladder, Liver).
The Sunshine Colour Academy incorporates Black as the body's roots into earth, White as bodies connection to spirit, Gold male energy (right body left brain), Silver female energy (left body right brain), Magenta (Pink) soul within unconditional love.
In Colour Therapy we learn how to nourish the body, emotions, heart, mind and spirit through these various energy systems using colour in the various mediums of: aroma and flower essences, mandala's, crystals, astrological birth charts, food, breathing, clothes, sound, environment, and painting our own expression of the colour onto art boards.
A wonderful journey into the self!